Link: The Faces of Evil.exe

One day i was watching tv and then something was thrown into my window. It was a CD-I console and a game it was written in sharpie Link: The faces of evil.exe. When i opened there was the game and a note it read "Hi this cd has been haunting me please destroy it cause i am too lazy to do it myself - Kyle". I wanted to play it for convinence of the plot so i plugged in the console and put the disc in. Then the game started however cutscene was different. When gwonam flies in to tell The King hyrule is in danger the king says this. "NO! I WANT TO HAVE DINNER!!" the king then grabs a minigun and shoots gwonam splatting hyper realistic blood and guts everywhere. Link then says "Hey king WHY THE FUCK DID YOU MURDER GWONAM?!?!" the king says "Because he's a piece of shit." then he drop kicks link out of the castle. Evil patrixxx saves link and they both take over hyrule. then the end credits appear. I say "That was the worst game ever" then BEN DROWNED appears "THIS WAS A MASTERPIECE HOW DARE YOU HATE IT!!!!" Ben and Evil Patrixxx then throw me out the window.